Recent Initiatives
Seniors and Smartphones
While 85% of seniors own a cellphone, only 46% of these are smartphones. Those with smartphones often aren’t using them to their full potential.
Through outreach to regional senior centers/groups I intend to help increase the adoption of smartphones by seniors and assist those with smartphones to better utilize this technology.
This outreach will take two forms: Presentations given to senior groups, and one-on-one counseling for individuals with smartphone concerns or questions.
Group Speaking Engagements
I have done many presentations to seniors through the Edmonds Waterfront Center in an effort to help seniors with technology challenges and expand the reach of BRIDG.
1 on 1 Tech Assistance
I have been meeting in person and remotely with seniors in need of various forms of technology help including computer and smart phone set up, troubleshooting various technology problems, and instruction on how best to use these devices to address their most critical needs.
I have also recruited other tech savvy teens to assist with 1 on 1 consultation and technology assistance for seniors.
In Person Technology Clinics
Hosted in person technology help clinic with The Edmonds Waterfront Center.